DIY Body Wrap – Slim Trim!

A body wrap works on the same principle of a steam room. It’s the basic procedure of getting rid of any extra water weight by expelling it with the help of plastic and some natural ingredients. The reason why a body wrap at home is better than a sauna or a steam room is that a body wrap works much faster and even reduces toxins inside the body! Plus, you could even make your own body wrap with a simple DIY Body Wrap recipe!

Why DIY When You Can Buy?

Most ready-to-use body wrap products that you can buy at a store are quite expensive. Although they do work quite well, they’re just not priced for the common man. Also, there is that little extra added pleasure experienced in making something yourself and then watching the results unfold in front of your own eyes!

Does A Body Wrap Help You Lose Weight?

Body wraps do help you lose weight only if it is used over a period of time. A single use of a wrap might result in you being able to fit into your favorite pair of jeans but, will not be a permanent result.

At the same time, it also depends upon the amount of water weight stored in your body.

Who Can Use A Body Wrap And Should Avoid It?

If you’re pregnant, vulnerable when it comes to heat, suffering from any skin or health conditions or are breastfeeding, then I strongly suggest that you do not try this. Also, if you are aware that you possess low water weight then there is not use in you attempting this as it may not work all that well.

DIY Body Wrap At Home

Homemade body wraps can be quite messy at the best of times, and it can be pretty difficult to find a recipe that actually works! This is why we have a list of the 10 best DIY Body Wraps that you can make, and that will actually work!

1. DIY Body Wrap Under

If you’re looking for a cheap but, effective body wrap, then this is the perfect one for you!


  • 2 Cups Water
  • 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Coffee Grounds
  • 2 Tbsp Epsom Salt
  • 3 Tsp Cinnamon Powder
  • Ace Bandage
  • Clear Plastic Wrap
  • Lotion
  • Towel

How To

  1. Bring your water to boil and remove from the stove.
  2. Add the olive oil, Epsom salt, coffee grounds and cinnamon powder to a separate bowl. Allow it to infuse for 5 minutes.
  3. Mix the infused ingredients with the water and place the ace bandages in the mixture for 3-5 minutes.
  4. After it has soaked, wrap the bandage around the area where you want to slim down. Make sure that there are no open spaces.
  5. Use the clear plastic wrap over the bandages, so that the mixture doesn’t leak, and a towel to hold in the heat.
  6. Relax for 30 minutes and then remove the wrap.
  7. Use warm water to rinse the mixture off from your skin and then moisturize it with lotion.

2. Overnight DIY Body Wrap


  • 2 Cups Water
  • ¼ Cup Sea Salt
  • 3 Green Tea Bags
  • 2 Tbsp Organic Coconut Oil
  • 1 Capsule Vitamin E (puncture the capsule and extract the vitamin E)
  • Ace Bandage
  • Clear Plastic Wrap
  • Towel

How To

  1. Add ¾ of your sea salt, the green tea bags and the vitamin E to your water and bring it to a boil. Take it off the stove and allow it to cool a little.
  2. Add the remaining salt to the organic coconut oil and massage it into your skin.
  3. Place the ace bandages into the mixture and allow it to soak for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Wrap the bandage around the area you previously massaged. (Make sure the water is hot but, not burning).
  5. Wrap it with a clear plastic wrap so it doesn’t leak, and place a towel over it to secure it in place.
  6. Allow it to sit overnight and then remove the bandage and rinse the area with warm water.

3. DIY Body Wrap Detox

If you’re looking for something more than just firming your skin, then this detox wrap is the perfect body wrap for you!


  • 4 Cups Water
  • 1 Cup Epsom Salt
  • 3 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 2 Drops of Lavender Essential oil
  • Ace Bandage
  • Clear Plastic Wrap
  • Towel

How To

  1. Bring your water to boil and remove from the stove.
  2. Add the Epsom salt to the water and allow it to dissolve.
  3. While the salt dissolves, mix the oils and massage it into the skin.
  4. Place the ace bandage in the saltwater and allow it to soak.
  5. Wrap it firmly around the area you massaged.
  6. Wrap it with clear plastic wrap to keep it from leaking, and tie the towel firmly in the area to keep the heat in.
  7. Let it sit for a few hours, preferably overnight and the rinse with warm water.

4. DIY Body Wrap For Stretch Marks

If you’re trying to make your skin firm and get rid of stretch marks, then try this body wrap!


  • 3 Tbsp Castor Oil
  • 2 Cups Water
  • Ace Bandage
  • Clear Plastic Wrap
  • Towel

How To

  1. Bring your water to boil and take it off the stove.
  2. Place the ace bandages in the water and let it soak.
  3. Rub the castor oil into the skin on the affected area.
  4. When the water is cold enough (but not too cold) to place on your skin, wrap the bandages around the affected area.
  5. Place the plastic wrap and towel over the bandages, in said order, to avoid leakage and to keep it in place.
  6. Keep it on for one hour and then rinse off with warm water.

Things To Remember While Using A Body Wrap

1. Make sure that the water is warm but, never hot. This could result in you burning your skin.

2. Always drink 8 ounces of water before you apply the wrap. The longer you leave the wrap on, the more water must be consumed.

3. The wrap can be used on pretty much any part of your body.

4. While applying the wrap, you can overlap it in many places but, make sure that you leave no gaps.

5. Exercise is a crucial part of this process. Make sure that you follow a strict exercise routine before you attempt using a body wrap.

6. If you have extremely sensitive skin then do not use a body wrap as the heat that your skin is exposed to may not be good for your health.

7. A body wrap provides only momentary results. For more permanent results, one must use a body wrap several times.

8. You will know if a body wrap is working when you visit the washroom several times or when your body is sweating. It could also be a combination of the two.

9. To know how well the wrap is working, I suggest measuring yourself using a tape measure, before and after.

10. Finally, all wraps must be left on for a minimum of 45 minutes, each round.