Miss Universe 2016 – Iris Mittenaere

Miss Universe 2016, held on January 30th, 2017, in Manila, Philippines, was in no way any less exciting than the previous pageants held. With 86 beautiful AND smart women, the judges had a VERY hard time figuring out who to crown this year’s Miss Universe 2016. Finally, Miss France Iris Mittenaere was crowned Miss Universe 2016 by former Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach!

This, of course, was the biggest shocker since no one had predicted this amazing win by Miss France 2016!

Know More About Iris Mittenaere

1. Second Miss France To Be Crowned Miss Universe

Miss Universe hails all the way from France, in the fourth largest urban area in France, called Lille, to a professor and a school teacher! It’s no surprise that she is not just stunning but is extremely smart too!

The best part about Miss France winning Miss Universe 2016 is that she is only the second winner of the pageant to hail from France! The first being in 1953, over half a decade ago! It’s about time France!

2. Dental Issues When She Was Young

When Iris was young she had a lot of problems with her teeth, but, being the strong and confident lady that she is, she took that experience and used it to power herself with the energy required to study ‘Dental Surgery’! Iris has another two years to go before she can graduate in the field of Dental Surgery.

She also mentioned that if she wins Miss Universe 2016, that she would use that power to spread awareness on dental hygiene!

3. The Same Age As Ariana Grande

This bombshell beauty has one thing in common with the pp-sensation Ariana Grande – they’re both 23 years old! In fact, she only just turned 23 on the 25th of January!

Image being that beautiful, confident, smart and having most the world’s population looking up to you! She has a lot on her shoulders if you ask me!

4. Loves To Cook

One of Iris’s favorite hobbies is cooking! Rench has a knack for creating some of the world’s best dishes, with their exquisite taste and let’s not forget the extra love that comes from them (France containing the City of Love – Paris)!

5. Esmeralda – Notre Dame

In a promotional video, Iris speaks about the various iconic places that she loves in France, one being the famous and fabulous Notre Dame! It is to no one’s surprise that this beauty pictures herself as Esmeralda from ‘the Hunchback of Notre Dame’.

Those flirty eyes, stunning smile, bouncy hair and the way she carries herself with such ease and grace, is certainly something that Esmeralda would possess. In fact, I’m rooting for her to play the role of Esmeralda if they should make the movie!

6. Sports Fanatic

Apart from being smart, beautiful and a good cook, our Miss Universe 2016 is also very sporty! She loves all times of sports and is even seen at many sporting events, cheering on the players, and practicing a few sports herself!

It’s no wonder that she is so fit!

The Role Of Miss Universe 2016!

As the winner of the Miss Universe 2016 pageant, her role in the world is only just beginning! Apart from all the numerous goodies she has won – including lifelong hair styling products from CHI, a custom made DIAMOND tiara from Diamonds International Corporations and a luxury apartment in New York!; Miss Universe 2016 will also have to travel the world spreading awareness, develop and represent platforms of their choice and raise funds for charities that they chose fitting!

Remember ladies, “With great power comes great responsibilities!” As said by the character ‘Benjamin Parker’, in the movie ‘Spider-Man’.

With that being said, we wish Miss Universe 2016 – Iris Mittenaere All the very Best! And we will definitely b seeing A LOT more of her in the coming year!

Past 10 Years Miss Universe Titleholders

2015 – Phillipines – Pia Wurtzbach

2014 – Colombia – Paulina Vega

2013 – Venezuela – Gabriela Isler

2012 – USA – Olivia Culpo

2011 – Angola – Leila Lopes

2010 – Mexico – Ximena Navarrete

2009 – Venezuela – Stefania Fernandez

2008 – Venezuela – Dayana Mendoza

2007 – Japan – Riyo Mori