The CrossFit has been one of the new fitness programs which had made quite of impact. CrossFit in Dublin is also gaining popularity and there are already a number of gyms who are offering such fitness program. If you are one of the people who hasn’t heard of it yet, then you will find the words ‘Boxes’ which refer to CrossFit gyms or ‘WODs’ which refer to workouts of the day to be strange in your vocabulary. You might even have friends who have already enrolled in CrossFit and have already tried their new diets and fitness challenges through their box. If you are new to this, you might it intimidating, or you might think that CrossFit is just another fitness fad. But, the truth is, CrossFit has a lot to offer and it is definitely here to stay.

If you are still unconvinced, then below are some reason which might make you become a CrossFit enthusiast:

When a person decides to start with his or her fitness journey, there might be a struggle in deciding with whether to enroll to a gym or just invest in a home fitness studio, or just hire a personal trainer. With CrossFit, this will give you some of the benefits of all of the three.

The CrossFit Boxes will offer you all of the necessary equipment for a variety of all-around workouts. Not like a public gym, you no longer need to figure them out on your own. CrossFit classes are well-guided because they already have trained coaches, with skill support, which gives you someone who will check your form and also prevent injuries. There are already pre-planned workouts in place so you no longer have to think about your own fitness program. CrossFit boxes usually serve small groups that train regularly, and because of this, you will be able to get a more tailored program than trying on an online fitness program or gym workout. What makes this even better is because of the group structure, this means that you get huge attention of a personal trainer but you are only paying for a fraction of the price. If you feel like you just want to train at home because you prefer the convenience and the privacy, you can still choose to do CrossFit too. The reason is that most Boxes run in very small groups, so, you will not be working out in front of many people. Most of the Boxes also offer classes and groups from early hours to late hours in the evening, which also gives you a flexible time and days that is compatible with your routine.

  • You become stronger

Strength training is one of the foundations of CrossFit. Although not every workout is lifting weights, one can still expect to get familiar with free weights and the various lifting techniques. CrossFit is not about bulking up because it is much more subtle than obtaining huge biceps. The strength program is designed to help you in getting you toned and strong. Thus, sure enough, it will indeed help you to look good, and if it is your main goal to lose weight, then muscle tone improvement will certainly be of help too.

The strength training in CrossFit uses a variable, and all-around program that is based on a few basic movements, so you won’t have to worry about having to learn a whole lot of new skill.

CrossFit is also about the all-around functional fitness because apart from the strength training, you are not only going to be stronger and fitter, it will also help you with preventing injuries from other sports and activities.

  • You will get fit

We already know that the CrossFit program is not just about lifting weights. Furthermore, most workouts follow the premise of the high-intensity interval training model, that is, where you work our hard for short periods combined with rest. Of course, you will have the strength days wherein your work out of the day is principally about lifting heavy and lifting it correctly, but there are also other days wherein your work out of the day is going to be very different. During the high-intensity days, it will introduce you to a cardio workout that is much tougher and more fun than just having to run on a treadmill or by joining a spin class. The best thing about this is that you will be able to get a serious workout with just a much shorter amount of time.

CrossFit is priding itself with combining the cardio benefits of high-intensity interval training alongside the strength training for maximum benefits. Your cardio workout of the day might have to make you pull tires, or carry sandbags or jump onto boxes or throwing weighted balls. So, you have shied away from cardio workouts because you are doubting yourself, but, on the other hand, you still want to get fit, then CrossFit is really going to be perfect for you.

  • You will get flexible

If you are taking a look at the schedule for your local CrossFit Box, you do not have to worry when you see that most of your classes are about an hour because your class is going to begin and finish with very carefully designed program of warm up and cool down which protects your muscles and joints thereby helping on the prevention of injury.

  • CrossFit is fun

What is good about CrossFit workouts is the variety of activities. CrossFit is not the kind of the program wherein you turn up and then do with pretty much of the same workout over and over, or by just letting you run on a treadmill. CrossFit involves a bunch of activities which ensures that you will never get bored.

The journey to fitness is never an easy road to travel. So, with the points stated above, it is but proper to hope that it will get you motivated in checking out your local CrossFit Box and then you can go give it a try. So if you want a program which can indeed improve your all-around and overall fitness, then CrossFit program is for you.