Engagement and wedding days are the most flattering and special days of your life. You need to look the best version of yourself and always be proud when you look back to it. Well, it doesn’t come easy. You need to work hard and give days and weeks of your routine to get that perfect glow. There’s no better way to achieve it than planning out a beauty routine for about a month before your wedding day. Here are the best ways to work for your beautiful version:

Choose the best beauty salon:

Go out, visit some salons, ask your friends, or if you already have your favorite salon out there, visit them and book appointments. One of the best go-to recommended salons is Lux Hair and Beauty Salon in Melbourne. Check out the different pre-bridal packages and choose the one that suits your skin the best. You don’t want any skin reactions right before the special day. 

Schedule salon visits:

Get regular appointments for manicures, pedicures, facials, and hair spas. Get yourself the best service and flaunt your wedding ring in those beautiful fingers. These regular mani sessions can also be the best time to find out your best nail color. Get to know your colors and skin this month for a breathtaking and elegant look on your wedding day.

Get healthier:

Who wouldn’t want to look stunning in their absolutely amazing wedding dress? Eat healthily, this not just makes you beautiful from the outside but gives a glow to your body from inside too! Lift some weight or probably schedule a morning jogging session to get your desired body and fit perfectly in your dream wedding dress. A workout not only gets you in shape but also energizes you and makes you happier. You definitely wanna look better than your husband on your wedding day, don’t you?


Natural and glowy skin is all that you want. Make sure to take care of your eyebrows, hair, your lips, and your skin. Apply a serum before going to bed, oil your hair before washing regularly, and don’t be slothful. Keep applying your favorite lip balm every night before going to bed, and even in the daytime. There’s no disadvantage in keeping your lips hydrated. Speaking of hydration, drink more than enough water for detoxification and a more healthy immune system. Keep applying natural face masks and exfoliating your skin for a natural glow.


Be confident about yourself and your body. Love yourself more than anyone could ever do and be confident in your skin before the wedding day, on the wedding day, and ever after. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you don’t like the make-up being put on you on your wedding day. Visit the salon way prior and make sure what you want your make-up to look like. Make it certain that your eyelashes ain’t falling out, and that you have the perfect lipstick put on. Just be confident and get the look you like. Don’t fall for less. You want the perfect wedding pictures to cherish all your life.