Multani Mitti For Hair

There is nothing that you don’t do to keep your hair healthy. You follow a healthy diet regimen, drink lots of water and follow a strict hair treating regimen. However, if you are still not happy with the way your hair looks, chances are that there is something still lacking in your hair care. Multani Mitti For Hair could be an ideal solution.

Also known as Fuller’s earth or Bentonite, Multani mitti is extremely good for the hair. It is a natural cleanser, conditioner and moisturizerand can work wonders for the health of your hair. What’s more, being a natural agent there are no side effects of this wonder remedy. And the best part is that it works just fine for all types of hair and hair problems. Here are a few tips that would help you to tackle a lot of your hair problems and regain healthy looking, luscious locks.

Multani Mitti Tips for Hair

1. Dry Hair

Dry hair can get unmanageable and tangle up a lot, leading to breakage of hair. Using a Multani Mitti pack can actually help.

In a bowl, mix 4 tablespoons of Multani Mitti, half cup of yogurt, one tablespoon of lemon juice and two teaspoons of honey to make a smooth paste. Apply this to your hair. After 20 minutes, wash your hair using a mild shampoo and conditioner.

You will end up with soft, silky hair. This pack also prevents breaking of hair and is a perfect remedy for hair fall. It also gives a natural shine to your hair and protects it from dandruff.

2. Oily Hair

If you have oily hair, you might end up with a head full of hair that looks limp, dull and sticky, giving you a very unappealing look. However, a pack made from Multani Mitti might just be the right solution.

Soak some Multani Mitti in water for a couple of hours. Take a handful of Soap-nuts, also known as Reetha and grind them to make a fine powder. Add 2 tablespoons of this powder to the soaked Fulller’s earth. Apply this to your hair and leave it on for half an hour. Wash your hair with water.

Applying this pack on a regular basis will reduce the secretion of oil and keep your hair soft and smooth. Since Reetha nourishes the hair, this pack will also enhance the health of your hair.

3. Split Ends

Lack of moisture in the hair is one of the major reasons for split ends.

Massage your hair with some olive oil before going to bed. In the morning, dip a towel in warm water and wrap your hair in it. Mix some Multani Mitti and curd to make a paste. Apply this paste to your hair. After 20 minutes, wash your hair using a mild shampoo.

Following this procedure regularly will help you get rid of split ends and will also guarantee a healthy shine to your hair.

4. Dandruff

There could be a number of reasons that cause dandruff. It could occur due to the climatic changes or some internal problem. However, this can be easily cured with Multani Mitti.

Take 3 teaspoons of Fenugreek (Methi) seeds and soak them in water for about 8 to 10 hours. Blend these to make a paste. Add this paste to 5 teaspoons of Fuller’s earth and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this to your scalp and cover your head with a towel. After one hour, wash your hair with cold water and a mild shampoo.

Repeat this at least twice a week to get rid of dandruff.

5. Hair Loss

If you are suffering from excessive hair loss, applying a pack made of Multani Mitti for hair, black pepper powder and curd can help.

Mix 5 teaspoons of Multani Mitti with 2 teaspoons of curd and 1 teaspoon of black pepper powder to make a smooth paste. Apply this to your scalp. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo after 30 minutes.

This pack will not only cure your hair loss problem but will also enhance hair growth.

6. Hair Growth

Fuller’s Earth is actually considered to be a great remedy for long and healthy hair. And when mixed with henna, strengthens the roots of the hair and helps it grow longer.

Mix equal amounts of Multani Mitti and henna powder. Add some water to this to make a paste. Apply this to your hair and leave it overnight. In the morning wash your hair with water. Repeat this at least once a week for better hair growth.

Multani Mitti for hair, can also help in controlling frizz and taming down unmanageable wild and curly mane. Using this wonder element can actually enhance the health of your hair in more ways than you think is possible.